82) International managers need to understand how to evaluate international geographic alternatives because ________.

82) International managers need to understand how to evaluate international geographicalternatives because ________.A) decreased worldwide transportation costs and increased trade liberalizationhave caused rising protectionism that firms need to circumvent through productionfacilities behind the tariff wallsB) they usually have a surplus of resources and need to take advantage of allopportunitiesC) the commitment of resources to one locale often means forgoing projects inother localesD) many regional trading groups prohibit companies from outside the groupsfrom manufacturing in more than one of the member countries83) Which of the following is generally the most costly source for companies ofresearch information?A) reports from international organizations and agenciesB) individualized reportsC) published reports by service companies, such as banks and accounting firmsD) reports from government agencies84) Why do companies often make location decisions on one international opportunityat a time rather than comparing among more than one?A) Decisions are made by teams, and it is usually not feasible to give so manypeople time away from their usual duties to examine multiple proposals.B) The information on some countries is so unreliable that companies must dealwith these countries separately.C) If an important customer develops opportunities in a foreign county, a companymay have little alternative except to follow that customer’s lead.D) The lack of comparability in data among countries renders comparison unfeasible.

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