National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges


An introduction to the course and an overview of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges.

Syllabus Review

Read: NAEGCR, pages 1 – 6

Department/Major: Overview

Watch: Development of the Grand Challenges

Watch: Global Grand Challenges Summit 2013 Opener

Watch: Introduction to the 14 Grand Challenges – 2010 Grand Challenges Summit – Raleigh, NC [end at 19:50] – Marshall Brain, Director of the NCSU Engineer Entrepreneurs Program

Watch: Introduction to the Grand Challenges – Dean Louis Martin – Vega


Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Provide Energy from Fusion

Read: NAEGCR, pages 10 – 12

Read: Provide Energy from Fusion

Department / Major: Nuclear Engineering

Why Study Nuclear Engineering at NC State

Watch: Provide Energy from Fusion – Igor Bolotnov [41:04]


Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology

First new nuclear plants built in US in a generation: Six years of construction in two-minutes



Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Make Solar Energy more Economical

Read: NAEGCR, pages 7 – 9

Read: Make Solar Energy more Economical 

Department / Major: Materials Science and Engineering

Extra Credit Opportunities offered through the Materials Science and Engineering Department:

Read: MSE Newsletter: Fall 2017

Watch: Photovoltaics

Watch: Make Solar Energy more Economical – Tommy Cleveland [51:23]

Watch: Low-cost solar energy is here, what’s next?

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Sunshot Solar PV

Solar Panel Tariff

Gore Defends Trump Solar Tariffs Decision

Materials Science and Engineering Research (January 22, 2018)



Set up teams.

Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods

Read: NAEGCR, pages 13 – 15

Read: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods

Departments / Majors: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering / Paper Science & Engineering

Watch: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods – Owen Duckworth [38:00]


Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Major/Concentration Options


Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenges: Manage the Nitrogen Cycle / Provide Access to Clean Water

Read: NAEGCR, pages 16 – 18; 19 – 21

Read: Manage the Nitrogen Cycle and Provide Access to Clean Water

Departments / Majors: Biological & Agricultural Engineering


Grand Challenges: Reverse-Engineer the Brain

Read: NAEGCR, pages 34 – 36

Departments / Majors: Biomedical Engineering

Watch: Reverse-Engineer the Brain – Frances S. Ligler [45:57]

WInter Olympic Games: Snowboarding Kahoot

The Frances Ligler Story

Dr. Frances Ligler, Presentation to Women in Science & Engineering

Fran Ligler Super Hero

Can tiny plumbing fix broken hearts? – Fran Ligler

Inventor Shares Tech Transfer Tips



Grand Challenge Theme: Health

Grand Challenges: Advance Health Informatics / Engineer Better Medicines

Read: NAEGCR, pages 25 – 29, 30 – 33

Read: Advance Health Informatics and Engineer Better Medicines

Departments / Majors: Textile Engineering

Watch: Advance Health Informatics – Robert St. Amant [44:09]; Engineer Better Medicines I – Chase Beisel [16:28] and Engineer Better Medicines II – Zhen Gu [16:28]





Watch: UC-Berkeley Minner Distinguished Lecture: “From the Eocene to the Anthropocene: An Engineer’s View of Climate Change.”  – G. Wayne Clough [56:20]




Grand Challenges: Secure Cyberspace

Read: NAEGCR, pages 40 – 41

Read: Secure Cyberspace

Departments / Majors: Computer Science

Watch: Secure Cyberspace – Samuel Carter [50:56]

Creating a virtual world-building machine for military training


Grand Challenges: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure

Read: NAEGCR, pages 22 – 24

Read: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure

Departments / Majors: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Watch: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure – Morton Barlaz [40:38]

What is Critical Infrastructure?