International and Comparative HRM Paper

International and Comparative HRM Paper

Report Two (4,500 words)

As Komorebi Villas expands its operations overseas, in your capacity as HR Manager the CEO has asked you to prepare a written brief to:

  1. Discuss the rising significance of CSR for international companies alongside alternative mechanisms for improving global labour standards. Explain the role of HR in devising and implementing an effective CSR strategy for Komorebi Villas.
  2. Identify how the need to balance both local and global requirements will impact upon the choice of strategy and structure adopted by Komorebi Villas. Evaluate whether the company should adopt a global or multinational strategy and identify how this will influence the HR policies and practices adopted across its subsidiary hotels
  3. Put forward recommendations regarding the HR strategy for the expatriate managers in the three new subsidiary hotels. This should focus on how the managers should be selected, rewarded, and trained and developed.  You should also present a rationale on your recommendations.

Part (a) (b) and (c) should be equally weighted.


  • Your discussion should be in report format and for the attention of the CEO Akio Maki and his senior management team at Komorebi Villas.
  • Your report should be structured (with approximate word count) as follows:
    • Introduction (approx 600 words)
    • Part a (approx 1200 words)
    • Part b (approx 1200 words)
    • Part c (approx 1200 words)
    • Conclusion (approx 300 words)
  • In Part (a) you should identify the key drivers for the growing significance of CSR (i.e. anti-globalisation movements, business-case arguments, rise in scope and importance of NGO’s such as ILO). You need to evaluate the role that the HR department at Komorebi Villas can play in devising CSR policy, including creating codes of conduct.
  • In Part (b) you need to contrast the two key strategies and structures (global and multinational) of MNC’s.  You should also put forward recommendations as to the most appropriate strategy for Komorebi Villas to adopt upon internationalisation and discuss the impact of this on HR policy and management practices.
  • In Part (c) you need to explain the importance of adopting a strategic approach to the recruitment, training and development and reward of international managers.  You should demonstrate how this can be applied in practice through devising an appropriate HR strategy for the appointment of the expatriate managers in the three new subsidiary hotels.
  • Your report should be appropriately referenced using Harvard Referencing, and a reference list provided at the back of the coursework. Do not include books in the reference list unless you have cited the source within the body of the report (and vice versa).


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