Identify A Regional Trading Group (Other Than EU) And Evaluate Its Efficacy?


Identify a regional trading group (other than EU) and evaluate its efficacy.


The assignment should follow the following structure:

  • Introduction – the outline of the paper
  • Discussion – the body of knowledge ; the purpose & general procedures ; the way study will be conducted; debate
  • Conclusions/Policy Recommendations – results/outcomes & suggestion of future research
  • Bibliography or list of references


What will be expected in the assignment in ascending order:

  • Evidence of basic knowledge of the topic
  • Clarity of expression
  • Attempt to address the question in the light of the instructions
  • Use of appropriate theoretical analysis and empirical evidence
  • Evidence of wide reading
  • A coherent well developed argument
  • Some degree of originality of thought




How the assignment should be presented:

  • Title page (student ID or name, title of paper, course code and title, word count)
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Section headings should be used
  • Font size: 12, double spacing
  • Harvard Referencing Style