Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism

Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism

Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism Consider the abstract from the following source:

Lane, L. W., Groisman, M., & Ferreira, V. S. (2006).

Don’t talk about pink elephants! Speakers’ control over leaking private information during language production.

Psychological Science, 17, 273–277.

Abstract Speakers’ descriptions sometimes inappropriately refer to information known only to them, thereby “leaking” knowledge of that private information.

We evaluated whether speakers can explicitly control such leakage in light of its communicative consequences.

Speakers described mutually known objects (e.g., a triangle) that had size-contrasting matches that were privileged to the speakers (e.g., a larger triangle visible to the speakers only), so that use of a contrasting adjective (e.g., small) involved referring to the privileged information.

Half the time, speakers were instructed to conceal the identity of the privileged object.

If speakers can control their leaked references to privileged information, this conceal instruction should make such references less likely.

Surprisingly, the conceal instruction caused speakers to refer to privileged objects more than they did in the baseline condition.

Thus, not only do speakers have difficulty not leaking privileged information, but attempts to avoid such leakage only make it more likely.

1. Write a summary of the abstract that uses three different kinds of plagiarism (as discussed in the Examples of Plagiarism above).

2. Rewrite your summary without using any plagiarism.

31. Correlations and Scatterplots Exercise 1. Josie conducted an honors research project in which she measured IQ scores and number of hours spent watching TV per week for several students.

Her results are shown in the following graph.

Each pair of numbers represents one student.

The IQ score is shown first, and the number of hours of TV watched per week is shown next (for both variables, a higher score means more).

a. On the graph shown, plot the data points for each student. Label each axis of the graph to indicate the variable plotted.

b. Following the graph, identify the relationship as either positive, negative, or no correlation.

c. Estimate the numerical correlation value (r) as a number between -1.0 and +1.0. Write your r estimate below the graph.

2. Each pair of variables in the following examples has a known relationship.

Use common sense to determine what type of relationship likely exists between the variables.

a. The number of times per day you smile at other people and the number of times per day others smile at you

b. The number of hours per day a person studies and the number of exams per semester a person fails

c. The number of gallons of water a person drinks in a week and the number of close friends the person has

d. The number of alcoholic drinks a person has each week and the person’s GPA