Ethical Dilemma in Criminal Justice

Ethical Dilemma in Criminal Justice

Ethical Dilemma

Complete Ethical Dilemma Situation 1, beginning on page 344 of your text, and click Ethical Dilemma Instructions (Links to an external site.) for instructions on how to solve this dilemma. Focus specifically on the third point, that being: Mandatory five-year prison sentences for those convicted of DWI.

Situation 1

A legislator has proposed a sweeping new crime and punishment bill with the following provisions for punishment. Decide each issue as if you were being asked to vote on it:

  • Mandatory life term with no parole for any crime involving a weapon
  • Corporal punishment (using an electrical apparatus that inflicts a shock) for all personal violent crimes
  • Mandatory five-year prison sentences for those convicted of DWI
  • Public executions
  • Abolition of probation, to be replaced with fines and prison sentences for those who are not able to pay or are unwilling to do so