Case Studies in Nursing: Brandon Carter’s Case Study

Case Study: Brandon Carter

Review Brandon Carter’s Case Study.
Write a 1,400-word minimum assessment and treatment plan for Brandon.
Discuss the following in your assessment and treatment plan:
Identify which drugs and/or devices (medical equipment) you would furnish/prescribe pursuant to
standardized procedures and in conformance with applicable laws, codes and/or regulations,
including knowledge of pharmacy rules and regulations, health and safety code and Federal
Register (consider the rules and regulations of your state or the state in which you plan to
Based on the health assessment of the client, identify the appropriate therapeutic regimen,
including drugs and/or devices (medical equipment) using the latest guidelines.

What is your diagnosis?
Evaluate the potential response and compliance of the client to the drugs and/or devices
(medical equipment) prescribed and implement appropriate action by identifying necessary
patient monitoring (before and after drug regimen) and education strategies. This includes
explaining the medications prescribed (name of medication/s, frequency/time of doses, correct
dosage/s to take, how to take the medication/s [i.e., with or without food], what to do if a dose of
a medication is missed, side effects to expect, and adverse event/s to report to the prescriber,
how other medications taken interacts with drug(s) of choice prescribed and alternatives, and
involve the client and family in the decision-making process) and clinical endpoints for drugs
and/or device (medical equipment) therapies.
Use knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to identify the indication, rationale,
mechanism of action for drugs to observe, and to understand the effects of drugs and/or devices
(medical equipment) on a client; and to predict the client’s response.
Justify correct dosages, dosage forms, routes, and frequency of administration based on relevant
individual client parameters.
Evaluate possible uses of vitamins and herbal supplements as they relate to disease prevention
and management.
What specific conditions relative to pharmacokinetics should be considered, based on the client’s
symptomatology, health status, lifestyle, genetics, ethnicity, nutrition, culture, socioeconomic
status, etc.?
Include a minimum of FIVE peer-reviewed evidence-based articles. Reference and format your assessment according to APA guidelines.
Review Figure 10-1 Common Components of a Prescription in Ch. 10 of Pharmacology for the
Primary Care Provider (4th ed.) to use as a guideline for filling out the prescription. See link
Attach the written prescription(s) to your assessment and treatment plan.