List pros and cons of your ELL program

Part one: 200 words

For your discussion post,

Group One: Newcomer Program

list at least three pros and cons of your ELL program.

Then describe which program you think is more effective for our English Language Learners and why. Provide at least two reasons and evidence from the literature to validate those reasons.

Part two: separate page 250 words

Choose ONE of the following scenarios and using the following template,Stages of Reading and Writing Development (be sure to attach it or copy and paste it directly into your DQ submission), design how you will address the needs of this ELL group:

a. Reading Development: You are an elementary school teacher and you are developing your reading groups for small group instruction. You have a variety of reading levels and you decide to break your class up into three groups; emerging, beginning and near fluent. Develop a reading activity for each stage and describe why the instructional strategy or strategies is most appropriate for the ELL student in developing their reading skills. Be sure to provide evidence from the text to support your response.

b. Writing Development: You are an elementary school teacher and you are developing your writing groups for small group instruction. You have a variety of writing levels and you decide to break your class up into three groups; emerging, beginning and near fluent. Develop a writing activity for each stage and describe why the instructional strategy or strategies is most appropriate for the ELL student in developing their reading skills. Be sure to provide evidence from the text to support your response.