Correlational Analysis

Correlational Analysis

Correlational Analysis
Before beginning this assignment, please watch the following videos on correlation:Correlation –
The Basic Idea Explained
(Links to an external site.)
Correlation Basics

(Links to an external site.)
Study Description: A school educator is interested in determining the potential relationship
between grade point average (GPA) and IQ scores among ninth graders. The educator takes a
random sample of 30 ninth graders aged 14 years old and administers the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). The WISC-IV includes a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ;
however, for this assignment we will just call it IQ).
Output file: See Week 5 SPSS Output.pdf file
(Links to an external site.)
Answer the following Questions:
* Hypotheses – Formulate null and alternative hypotheses. What do you think is the relationship
between IQ scores and GPA?
* Variables – Describe the scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for each of
the variables.
* Correlation – Write an overview of the results of the correlation (at least two paragraphs),
including the appropriate and necessary statistical results within sentences and in proper APA
formatting. Be sure to provide sufficient explanation for any numbers presented. Consider the
following in your overview and conclusions:
* Is there a significant correlation between IQ scores and GPA? If so, what does a significant
correlation mean?
* Using the correlation table and scatterplot, explain whether the relationship is positive,
negative, or no correlation.

*Describe the strength of the relationship (e.g. very strong, moderate, weak, etc.).
* What do the results tell us about your hypotheses?
* What conclusions can we draw from these results? What conclusions can we NOT make using
these results?
Write a total 550 words in response to these questions.
APA format
Size 12 font
Times New Roman
Double Spaced
At least 550 words – not counting the title, abstract and reference page
Can use other scholarly sources IF needed.
Reccomended References:
Benedict K (2014, April 11). Correlation – The Basic Idea Explained [Video file]. Retrieved from
Correlation – The Basic Idea Explained (Links to an external site.)
Diem, K. G. (2002). A step-by-step guide to developing effective questionnaires and survey
procedures for program evaluation & research. Available at (Links to an external site.)

Mariampolski, H. (2001). Qualitative vs. quantitative. Qualitative Market Research, 22-25. SAGE
Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412985529.n13
Rice, G. T. (2005). Developing high quality multiple-choice test questions. Available at (Links to an external site.)
Smith, Lara (2013, November 18). Correlation Basics [Video file]. Retrieved from Correlation