Social Identity Theory; Social Dominance Theory; Symbolic Racism; Berry’s Acculturation Model

Social Identity Theory; Social Dominance Theory; Symbolic Racism; Berry’s Acculturation Model


(1,250-1,550 words exactly followed by your references in perfect APA style which do not count towards the word count.  750-999 words is about 1.25-1.75 pages single spaced).  Don’t go over 2 pages. 12pt, Times New Roman (don’t go smaller than 12pt font)

  1. A) Explain Berry’s acculturation model and apply the model to an aspect of your identity or experiences. You can also relate this to concepts from the Lyubansky  Reminder: key is to highlight full understanding of theory and research – this should be majority of essay.
  2. B) Provide a critique, evaluation, or extension of Chua’s and Li’s You can also relate this to concepts from the Lyubansky or Berry reading.
  3. C) Explain an example of prejudice and discrimination in current events or from personal experiences using theories from the readings (social identity theory, social dominance theory, symbolic racism, etc)
  4. D) Explain why some people responded negatively to the NFL player protests during the national anthem during last year using prejudice theories.
  5. E) Explain the pattern of interracial dating preferences using theories/evidence. Are these patterns a result of prejudice and discrimination, or do other patterns explain the results?  Do different theories explain men’s versus women’s patterns?
  6. F) Apply the theories you learned to help understand prejudice, discrimination, or positive intergroup interactions in Southern California, in your personal experiences, in current events, popular TV show, or book. Apply theories/evidence.
  7. G) If we were to conduct a UCSD prison study, do you think the results would be the same or different as the Stanford prison experiment? Apply research, theory, evidence.
  8. H) Have you been in situations in which you have conformed or complied – what aspects of the situation increased you conformity or compliance? Apply research, theory, evidence.
  9. I) How might you use the power of situations, conformity, or compliance to change people’s behaviors in a positive direction? Apply research, theory, evidence.
  10. J) Pick a celebrity, athlete, or yourself, and explain their behavior as a product of the situation, their personality, or a person by situation interaction. Give a little background on the person and the behavior (up to one-third of essay), and then an analysis of their behavior.  Apply research, theory, evidence.
  11. K) Apply the theories to explain a current political or social phenomenon

Checklist for Essay

1)   Is there a clear opening hook that introduces your phenomenon in an engaging yet professional way?

2) Is there a clear thesis in the opening – the main claim you will be defending in your essay?

3) Is there a clear roadmap at the end of the opening that foreshadows the argument?

4A) Does each paragraph have a clear point/thesis (topic sentence) that ties back to overarching argument?

4B) Is this point defended with research evidence, references to the readings, references to key theories or findings from the readings, strong logical argument, or other strong evidence?

5) By the end of the essay, is it clear what the main point and argument was?

6) Meta: Was the essay particularly creative and persuasive?

7) Meta: Did the essay show a strong command of the theories, research, arguments?

8A) Writing: Is each sentence structured effectively, succinctly, and overall well written?

8B) APA Style: Are in-text citations done correctly?

8C) APA Style Reference Section: Are all references in APA style?  See below for example

Frederick, D. A., & Monky, C. B. (2020).  The effects of monkeys on house messiness: An experimental investigation.Journal of Monkey Studies, 42, 20-32.