Help this writing project has two parts


Paper 1: Analysis of a Short Story

Directions: Choose one of the short stories we have read this week or will read for next week, and select a specific point of analysis. Your analysis should be based on your interpretation of the story, but you must support your analysis with specific evidence from the story.

1. Your draft will be 500-750 words long and will be based on your own analysis of the story. If you use ANY outside sources, you must give credit. Due on Saturday 11 April 2020 by midnight.

2. Your final paper will 1,250-1,750 words and will adhere to current MLA format. Due on Saturday 18 April 2020 by midnight.

I would encourage you to read ahead as much as possible to ensure you have the ability to analyze the short story you liked the most. You will write an essay based on the selection you make. This will serve as an initial draft turned in on Saturday 11 April 2020 by midnight. Then you will receive feedback from your classmates and me before submitting a final version for a grade.

Potential Topics, but feel free to text me with a different topic:

“The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin

In what ways does Chopin use symbolism and imagery to show that…?

What function does irony serve in the story?

What point is Chopin trying to make about the nature of marriage for women during this period?

“Sonny’s Blues,” James Baldwin

I will post some topics, but feel free to text with ideas.

“The Rocking Horse Winner,” D.H. Lawrence

In what ways does the rocking horse serve as a symbol in the story?

What point is the author trying to make about the nature of greed?

What function does irony serve in the story?

“The Cask of Amontillado,” Edgar Alan Poe

How does point of view affect the reader’s interpretation of the story?

What point is the author trying to make, if any, about the nature of revenge and pride?

“The Cathedral,” Raymond Carver

What function does irony serve in the story?

Does the narrator evolve at all in this story? If so, how?

“Hills Like White Elephants,” Ernest Hemingway

In what was does the setting function as a symbol in this story?

Characterize the relationship of this couple based on the details of the story and the point the author is trying to make in the process.

“Girl,” Jamaica Kinkaid

In what ways does the narration in this story reveal the relationship between the mother and daughter?

“Recitatif,” Toni Morrison

What purpose does ambiguity serve in the paper? What is Morrison trying to show?

Select one of the themes in the story, and write an analysis of this theme and the point the story seems to make.

“The Birth Mark,” Nathaniel Hawthorne

What point is the author trying to make about nature?

What function does irony serve in the story?

“The Open Boat,” Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane was said to be a naturalist. What function does nature serve in the story?

Analyze one of the characters in the story.

“The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins-Gilman

In what ways is Gilman’s short story a critique of the “rest cure” applied to so many women of this time who suffered from postpartum depression?

How does Gilman portray the treatment of women in her short story “The Yellow Wallpaper”?

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