Team Strategic Audit

Team Strategic Audit – Instructions Brief Overview #1 – A more detailed set of instructions will be given to the

class in week 2

Quality project papers are usually no shorter than 35 pages. This is TEAM project, thus it is only about

seven pages per student with charts/tables.

  • The company paper will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Content 40%; Correct use of analytical tools 30%; Documentation 20% ; Organization 10%

  • The company presentation will be evaluated using the following criteria: Content

40%; Delivery 20%; Knowledge 20%; Creativity 10%; Visual Aids 10%

Written Audit Analysis

In preparing a written case analysis, provide answers to the following answers:

  • Give a brief overview and explain the type of industry the company is operating.
  • Identify the firm’s existing vision, mission, overall objective, and strategies.
  • Evaluate the mission statements for the organization and its competitors according to the nine

mission statement components, and develop an “improved” mission statement for the organization.

  • Discuss any ethical issues that the company had dealt with in the past or is dealing with currently.

Did anything adverse come from it and what can they do to make amends?

  • Identify the organization’s external opportunities and threats.
  • Construct and explain a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). Include at least seven factors and two


  • Construct and explain the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix.
  • Identify the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Construct and explain the Internal

Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix.

  • Describe the financial condition. Develop and explain the financial analysis.
  • Prepare tables/charts and explain each factor of the following: Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, and Grand

Strategy Matrix

  • Utilizing the strategies developed from your matrices, construct a Quantitative Strategic Planning

Matrix (QSPM) (Most important analysis). Be specific in terms strategies. You should have at

least three strategies including one that states “keep current strategy”.

  • Present your recommendations for the company and include justification for these

recommendations. Compare and contrast your recommendations to actual strategies planned by

the company.

  • Conclusion