To Build a Fire

Jack London PART OF EXAM 3–You will not get a grade right away for this.  Once you have submitted responses to several questions over the next few weeks, you will receive ONE combined grade for all the responses, which will fall under the category of Final.

The two versions of “To Build a Fire” provide a rare insight into the evolution of a writer, as the first comes from the beginning of London’s writing career (1902) and the second during his literary acclaim (1908).  In a well-developed TWO  page typed, double spaced essay please discuss how his writing evolved.

What are some differences between the two stories and how does this impact the reader?

Why is the revised version considered the best?  You MUST quote from the story to make a few points.

What lesson do readers gain from each story?

This will be worth 20 points of the test grade, so  I want excellent writing and developed content.