What is EMDR Therapy?

Research the website on What is EMDR Therapy on the emdria.org site


After researching the site, Write a 3-4 paper on the following

Ø what is EMDR therapy

Ø what is EMDR early intervention,

Ø EMDR Training and Certification and the process

Ø Tell me what you have learned and what to gain from learning and practicing EMDR therapy to Veterans with combat trauma

You do not need to create an account or sign in. You can navigate and search through the tabs in the site.


APA format and intext Citations and References

References to use

EMDR International Association. (2020). What is EMDR therapy?. Retrieved from https://www.emdria.org/

EMDR International Association. (2020). Combat Trauma . Retrieved from https://www.emdria.org/page/CombatTrauma