Financial Management – Discuss what FinTech is

Please prepare your file content as the following:
Slide 1: Discuss what FinTech is.
In the next four (4) slides, choose ONE (1) of the FinTech examples to discuss: Crowdfunding Platforms, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Mobile Payments. Insurance, Robo-Advising and Stock-Trading Apps, and Budgeting Apps.
The discussion can be, but not limited to:
Slide 2: The representative firm.
Slide 3: The business model of the firm (Part 1).
Slide 4: The business model of the firm (Part 2).
Slide 5: How successful it is.
Please prepare exactly 5 slides as the above.
Please be aware that each slide counts as 3 points. If you miss any content/slide, the corresponding points will be lost. So please make sure to follow the instructions closely.