Urban Space Debate

Urban Space Debate

Must identify an important debate happening somewhere within the City of Los Angeles. The
debate must involve the use of private and/or public space. You can find out about such debates
by looking into major and local media sources. Such debates over space are everywhere and at
every scale: from the big to the very small. In the explanation and analysis of your chosen urban
space debate you must do the following:
Explain exactly where this particular debate is centered. Where exactly? Show me on a map!
Go there and take photos. Don’t use photos from other sources!
What are the arguments being made about this site’s use?
Who exactly are the main players/actors in this urban space debate? (citizen groups, activists,
developers, local city govt., state agencies, etc.) Don’t be vague!
How do you identify and define these actors if they seem to fall into particular groups? Is it as simple as “pro” vs. “con”?
Give me a small bit of history to help us understand the issue, the area, and its previous use(s).
Who owns the space? Who uses the space? Who wants access to the space?
Provide a comprehensive analysis of the debate. Tell me the complete story as you understand
Provide your own insights on the debate.
What could be the future impact of this space’s use if certain decisions are made? Extrapolate.
Wrap up with a clear conclusion that restates the main points of your chosen urban space