Explore rates of health literacy and strategies to promote health literacy

Discussion 1 PU690   150 words 


Explore rates of health literacy and strategies to promote health literacy at the individual and community levels.


Discussion 2 PU699 150 words

Determine what criteria you would use in evaluating the credibility of a source. State your criteria. Identify three to four authoritative sources of information for public health for your area(s) of interest area of interest (Epidemiology). How do these sources meet your stated criteria? Are there any criteria that are not met?

Assignment 1  Unit 2


The paper will discuss several possible areas of interest to you.  For each, you will provide a high-level summary of relevant policies, current issues and possible barriers to resolution/improvement of population health.  You will be asked to consider one of these areas for further development/refinement in future assignments.

Choose one of the disciplines you identified and the associated issue(s). Discuss a current health policy that is either in place or under consideration related to the issue. What are some possible barriers? What are some possible solutions? What is the likely impact of the policy in the foreseeable future?

Your paper should be 3–4 pages (double-spaced) in length.


Assignment 2  Unit 3


In this Assignment, you will compose a short paper and focus on the discipline, health issue, and health policy you selected in the Unit 2 Assignment. You should address the following:

  • What is an authoritative source for the discipline and health issue selected in the Unit 2 Assignment that you would trust?
  • What criteria did you use in selecting the source? Discuss how the source meets or does not meet your selected criteria.
  • Identify two to three studies/peer-reviewed articles or other examples of evidence-based information from the source and discuss the relevance of each to the health issue and policy identified in Unit 2 Assignment.
  • Discusses how information from the source could be incorporated into a professional presentation to peers.

Your paper should be 2–3 pages (double-spaced) in length.