Systems Engineering – Boeing 787 Program

Systems Engineering – Boeing 787 Program 

Textbook: Blanchard, B. S. & Fabrycky, W. J. (2011). Systems engineering and analysis (5th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
System chosen: Boeing 787 Program
You will perform an evaluation of its design and development process of the system above. If the
selected system has already completed design and development, you will perform a detailed
evaluation of the system design and development process and techniques that were used for their effectiveness, adequacy, and results.
If the selected system is yet to be designed or is in the process of design and development, you
will evaluate the part of the process that has already been completed, review the plan for the
remaining process elements, and critique / suggest improvements in the plan.
Please note that you are not asked to evaluate the system itself or its actual design. You are
supposed to evaluate the process and approach used (or to be used) for system design and
The project paper length should be between 2,500 and 3,500 words. It needs to be thorough and
complete to convey your point. It has to be free of grammatical and spelling errors. AIAA format
should be used (template attached). Use Microsoft Word for the paper. Times New Roman 12
font size is preferred.
Project Written Paper Structure:
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. It should be
accurate, concise, specific, nonjudgmental, explicit, and readable. It should reflect the purpose
and content of the paper. It should not contain more than 100 words.

Introduction: The statement of the problem.
Background: This section should contain all work related to the proposed topic including
chronological progress made to date. Include a brief description of the system that is addressed
in the paper.
Findings: Answers the question “What?”. What were the actual results of the study?
Conclusions and Recommendations: Answers the questions “So what?”, “So what does it all
References: List the references and any sources used including the text books.
A reasonable, but limited tailoring and/or modification of the above stated paper structure may be
exercised as long as all other requirements for the project are met.