Russian Growth and Development

Russian Growth and Development 

Implement the outline and bibliography information attached, please use the outline below to
write the paper:
1) Intro
2) Background
3) Agar/MM
4) Markers/Identities relevant to understand Russian society (the military is one of them)(
5) Analysis – what can these markers/identities say about Russian society
6) As LC1, what were the major rich points?
7) Conclusion
8) Bibliography
**The 16 pages must consist of writing only, know graphs or photos

Length: Approximately 18-25 pages (maps, graphs, and other supporting graphics will not be
included in the overall page count).
-Times New Roman 12 point font
-Double spaced
-Suggested that it is organized like a white paper, but that may be modified to fit your particular
-Must contain citations where needed within the body of the paper
-Must include a References page that lists at least seven resources or interviewees with name,
address and phone n-umber
-APA format
**This rubric is relevant to your field study research paper. Your field study work will be assessed
on the following:
-Conceptual understanding and issue identification
-Critical and effective use of information and resources
-Organization and presentation of ideas
-Understanding and effective use of the concept of audience

-Effective use of language, grammar and APA format
**Need a couple of protocol interviews incorporated as well.