System Engineering Project

System Engineering Project

Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

Please select a system of interest.  For this selected system, develop a concept of operations and some additional technical details in support of the equivalent of a System Requirements Review.  Please use the outline in Table 1 to develop the information.

Table 1. Outline for the Project.

Section # Section Name Remarks
1. Executive Summary A brief summary of the mission, the organizations involved with their roles and responsibilities, key capabilities and performance characteristics desired by the stakeholders.  Key findings and significant departures from legacy must be outlined here with a brief rationale in each case.  Please also include a “high level” view of your envisioned system in an operational context.
2. Mission Description A description of the mission, its goals and objectives, and the underlying mission and business rationale should be included here.  The key stakeholders must be identified together with their key expectations.  Develop a context diagram and be clear about your passive and active stakeholders.  Also be clear about the “sacred expectations” on this project.
3. System Operational Context and Reference Operational Architecture This serves the important purpose of clarifying the boundary of the system being conceived, while making explicit the initial reference architecture based on legacy implementations of similar systems.  The active stakeholders should all be explicitly referenced in the contextual representation of the system, together with the reference system elements and sub-elements.  In this regard, it is helpful to develop the “as-is” contextual description and the “to-be” contextual description.  This will further help with clarifying the value proposition of the conceived system.
4 System Drivers and Constraints This section must describe the performance drivers and constraints; constraints resulting from the existing systems and infrastructure, doctrine (policy, procedures, and processes), organizational roles and responsibilities, and regulatory requirements.  Explicit definition of these drivers will be significant when assessing alternative implementation concepts for the system, its elements and sub-elements.
5. Operational Scenarios The primary operational scenarios in support of the capabilities expected by the stakeholders should be articulated in the context of the system context and reference operational architecture, and proposed operational architecture.  Verbal and graphical methods must be used to ensure convergence between stakeholder expectations and the understanding of systems engineers.  Further, timelines for each of these operational scenarios should be developed to understand latency thresholds, and insights into alternative partitioning and implementation concepts.
6. Implementation Concepts Selected and Rationale Alternative system, system elements, and sub-elements partitioning and implementation concepts should be synthesized and the rationale for the preferred selection documented.  The rationale should address the key drivers and constraints, including funding and schedule.
7. Proposed System Operational Architecture Any changes to the partitioning of the system, its elements and sub-elements must be documented in the form of a proposed system operational architecture.
8. System Requirements; and an initial Functional Partitioning Concept (Architecture) for the System. Stakeholder needs and expectations must be translated into a representative set of specifications that define the system to be developed.  Ensure that you depict the key use case scenarios (capabilities) as sequence diagrams; and a QFD analysis for the characteristics. Develop an initial Functional Partitioning concept/Architecture for the system, complete with the internal and external interfaces – and scenario tracing to ensure completeness.
9. Organizational and Business Impact The impact of the changed operational architecture on legacy doctrine (policy, procedures, and processes; organizational roles and responsibilities; and necessary skills and competencies and workload changes) must be analyzed and presented to ensure appropriate decision-making.
10. Risks and Technology Readiness Assessment Any risks associated with the proposed operational architecture; including technology readiness levels for the key implementation concepts should be documented.  Any schedule and funding risks resulting from the proposed approach should be documented explicitly.