Team Management Discussion – Designing Team and Team Identity

Designing Team and Team Identity 

Part 1: Think about how to build teams in terms of designing the task, selecting the people, and then, managing their relationships. How would compose a team for completing a course/work project in terms of the three dimensions listed above. How would you incorporate diversity in designing a team?

Part 2: Discuss team identity. Why do you feel attached to certain groups and teams but not to others?

I am adding my classmate’s response for the above question. You will have to write response for each post in 150 words. No references needed.


Discussion 1: 

In teams that produce excellent results, each has a vital role to play in ensuring that the team is successful. The corresponding model displays the elements in building teams in terms of designing the task, selecting the people, and then, managing their relationships. Build teams with regards to the job, selecting the resources and management.

Common Goal: A simple, shared and convincing intent is the only necessary ingredient for team success. Teams are just a way to accomplish a goal — a way to produce desirable outcomes, which are too large to be accomplished through individual efforts. A straightforward, persuasive goal gives people the confidence to participate in a project and a shared purpose not only brings the team together but also keeps the team together during the unavoidable chaos on the road.

Clear Role: Top-level teams exploit the various positions of individuals and the corporate and effectiveness of the team is primarily decided by how we divide the team function. The roles are to plan, divide and execute the team’s work, where every member of the team recognizes both its position and the position of every other member of the team.

Reliable Process: Each team member will ideally have a specific, unique, function-based role, skills and expertise in every process thus processes and teams go hand in hand. Company teams may have procedures that may include problem-solving, decision-making, management of a meeting or product design.

Outstanding Communication: The fact that team-based organizations are more sensitive and move quicker is one of the fundamental reasons businesses tend to create teams. The high levels of team success are characterized by quick, transparent, timely and accurate communication. The team acknowledges that good communication is necessary and thus approaches communication with a certain purpose.

The identity of a team is who and what they want to be. A group of people does not always form into a cohesive unit naturally. Established teams can go beyond that often by creating a culture. The personality of the team is generated in three ways: over time, of course, by careful planning, and due to problems and confrontation. It is necessary to have a team identity. Think about it, think about it, and prepare ways to develop it will help the team to thrive, however, the culture describes.


Discussion 2: 


Part 1:

Team building is effortless in talking but challenging to accomplish. Telling people to assemble and then calling them team does not make them one. Teams are volunteer organizations in the most accurate form. We can’t force someone to co-operate or demand teamwork. Choices made by the team leader results in a high level of cooperation. To designing a task that could be accomplished by all the teammates, then the first thing has a clear and compelling purpose. The benefits of the team efforts must understand by all the members. Task purpose and goals should align with team members interests and goals. The team must believe the use of the task is realistic and achievable. Sense on timeliness helps in driving the project.  While selecting the people for the functions, their purpose must be clear to the member and role of every other team member (Peters, 2011). Characters about designing, division, and placement of the work to the members.  Hopefully, for every task or project, each member has a clear role based on their expertise and skills. Teaming efforts focus on implementing or thinking.  Maintaining the teams should not focus more on the work process at the cost of thinking. Thinking is more critical for high performing teams.

Part 2:

One can feel attached when the relationship is stable. One of the misconceptions in the workplace is that teammates must be friends to work and communicate effectively. The knowledge of work division can also exclude friendships. Solid relationships happen when there is collaboration that is characterized by respect, understanding, and trust (Mitki, & Herstein, 2007). One can not demand the trust rather than create an environment and opportunities to develop that. People will be interdependent when there is trust and collaboration.


Discussion 3:


When composing a team it is very important to look at designing the task, selecting the people and managing the relationships are very important especially in order to have a proactively performing team. If I was composing I would definitely look at these three criteria as proactively performing teams are definitely more productive and better performing than other teams. Initially, I would first have a work design that focuses on team self-management as by having team members who are interdependent but who work together collectively to assume day to day responsibilities. This enables the team members to have greater autonomy in their activities, greater task significance, variety, and identity. Next, ensuring that there are group norms is a good way to manage relationships. Having these norms in place allows team members to foster relationships of respect and learn to support other team members. These norms also enable team members to speak up and not be afraid to be proactive and put forward ideas that can help improve performance. Lastly, team selection is another important criteria as selecting team members with proactive personalities is another great way to improve team performance and having diversity allows a team to have different perspectives. (Williams, 2010)

Team identity is important and is usually created during the formation of the team. Team identity involves team members understanding the team’s purpose and goals, sharing and choosing values, and lastly, understanding how the team will succeed. (Pinciroli, 2019)