Google Search Feedback Response

  1. The following is the assignment requirement:

The Feedback Response assignment is setup for you to interact with the assignment feedback you are given (from both my graded feedback and the recap video), and address any of your misses. For this assignment, you must communicate how you would fix/resolve any of the criteria you were marked down on your Google Search assignment. You do not need to re-write the assignment, simply give a 1-2 sentence response to each criteria you missed.

Grading Parameters

Note: Criteria in Black were correct, in Blue were partially incorrect, in Red were completely incorrect:

·         Introduces/uses the concept of Filter Bubble ·         Analysis of results using course concepts (Filter Bubble, Function Creep, Data Exhaust)
·         Clear introduction and rationale of search criteria ·         Shows understanding of/implications of a Filter Bubble
·         Reasoning behind the selection of specific participants ·         Personal observations on results
·         Expectations/Reasoning around search criteria ·         Conclusion supported by analysis and discussion
·         Complete discussion of search results ·         Well written with information presented logically and easy to follow
·         Presents their participants’ demographic data ·         Follows general expectation around layout/length
·         Discusses the impact of their demographic data on their search results ·         Follows Executive Summary parameters
·         Table contains demographic data ·         Thoughts on other things that might have influenced their search results (bonus)
·         Table included within the document ·         Big picture context on findings (bonus)
·         Table referenced and used in discussion/analysis/conclusion ·         Uses external resources for support (bonus)


Note: Before writing your responses please watch the recap video, review your graded feedback, and then re-read the assignment itself. This will give you the best viewpoint on the big picture of the assignment, and will make it much easier for you to write your responses.


Your Deliverable:

  • Write up your responses in a Word Document with 1-2 sentences addressing each missed criteria. Ensure it is clear which missed criteria you are answering (I should not need to have your original feedback in front of me to understand your responses).