Psychosocial Clinical Interview

Psychosocial Clinical Interview 

You will go to CONTENTS on Blackboard and select CHAPTER 15 PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORT
CHAPTER and read it. You will also go to (CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW) and
read this as well. You will utilize these resources to structure your Integrated Report for your
simulated client.
You have two choices of who your simulated client would be. You will either work with Will from
the movie GOODWILL HUNTING or SOPHIE from “In
Treatment” SEASON 1. If you are an Amazon Prime member you can access In Treatment for
You will complete the following sections in your Integrated Report (written in a narrative form and
not bulleted):

Demographic Information (e.g. name, age, date of birth, ethnicity, address, gender, address, etc.)
Conduct the Intake Interview (Structured or Unstructured). This is the opportunity to note general
appearance, demeanor, body language, eye contact, verbalization, tone, inflection, volume, track
train of thought behavior, smooth topic transitioning/halting, etc. The purpose is to form a clinical
impression of the client personality or what problems they may be suffering from. The above
listings provides cues on the types of questions one would ask in the interview. Some answers
will be evident in the movie or episodes, others may warrant a bit of embellishment/inference.
Please take special note of any subtle factors or behaviors that your client may be exhibiting that
they may be both aware or unaware of. So in essence determine the following: Presenting
problem, specific symptoms, detailed history of the problem, social life/family history/life story,
drug/alcohol history, academic history, employment history, medical history, cultural context to
consider, etc.
Determine what assessment(s) you would give. Please provide a rationale/justification for the
assessments that you chose and articulate it within the report.
Summary – Discuss what your overall impressions are (2 short paragraph summary). Diagnosis
should be included in your summary. Please utilize your DSM5.
Treatment Plan: Complete the treatment plan form found in “CONTENTS” on Blackboard. You
will go to the file “Treatment Plan Template”. Read the guide named “Tx planning for SUD Guide.
This guide is a slide presentation of how to complete treatment plans. The template has been
provided for you to complete for your client. Please identify 3 most pressing problems that you
plan to address and note objectives aimed to address the problems you present. Discuss the
treatment plan and what this would look like

The document should include: 5-6 page (minimal of 5 pages)
An APA formatted Cover page (running head included)
The document should be double-spaced and have a 12 font (Times New Roman).
Title headings are needed for each section
Demographic Information
Intake Interview
Clinical Assessment
Treatment Plan