Public Goods and Services

Topic: Public Goods and Services

Paper details:

Categorize the following list of miscellaneous revenue sources received by government to the best of your ability (1) user charge, (2) license tax, (3) franchise fee, or (4) fiscal monopoly, using the standards established in the chapter. Explain your logic. What are the incentive impacts of each one of the revenue sources? Fee charged for the opening of a new massage parlor A fee to reserve books at the library A charge for processing the arrest of a convicted drunk driver A charge by the fire department to pump water from basements flooded by a downpour A fee for the services of a probation officer A fee for reviewing a developer’s plans A fee for police response to a malfunctioning alarm system fee for disposal of used tires A charge for emergency services required when a driver causes an accident through negligence Fees for a summer day camp run by the city parks department A charge for ball field use by the youth athletic league Admission to the city pool A mandatory fee for municipal garbage collection A charge for use of the city municipal garbage collection A charge for yacht owners who dock at the city marina. 2.What is your opinion of the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana? Do you think that states should depend on the revenues related to the licensing of marijuana businesses and the sale of marijuana? What are the pros and cons for a state?