Barriers to African American Voters

Topic: Barriers to African American Voters

Listed are the requirements needed to finish this paper.

The paper needs headings.

You need to follow the proper order of research

A. Introduction

1. Introduce the subject

2. State your research question (This is vital: the entire research is supposed to answer your question)

3. Say why this topic matters

4. Say what is coming up in the paper in a quick paragraph


B. Literature Review

1. Review the existing literature so we know the current state of knowledge


C. Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses

1. Provide a paragraph of logic behind each hypothesis (the theoretical framework…the literature review should have covered all we need to know to understand this conversation)

2. After the paragraph of explanation, Separate from the text and type your hypothesis in Italics (remember the classical hypothesis is an If, then statement). Do this for every hypothesis.

3. If you do not have hypotheses, i.e. you are investigating a subject without any expectations as to what to expect, then you skip this step and state in your methods section that this is an inductive study.


D. Methods

1. This is where you discuss how your are going to investigate the subject or test hypotheses to create original research (rather than simply reiterating what others have said)


E. Results


F. Discussion


G. Conclusion

What has been completed is a majority of the lit review. Attached is the paper so far.