Hippopotamus “William”

Hippopotamus “William”

Write a 1-2 page analytical paper on one work of art from any period of art history from 35,000 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.

I chose, Hippopotamus “William” ca. 1961-1878 B.C. Which is in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. Egyptian art (Links to an external site.)


Explain how the artist uses different elements and principles of design to communicate an ideal of beauty. What characteristics of this ideal beauty make it unique? How does this ideal reflect the values of the culture for which the work of art was made?

Take notes on the work(s) of art you will write about:

* The prompt I will address is…

* Name of artist/region…

* Title of work…

* Date of the work…

* The work is located on this museum website (include URL)…

* Materials used in the work…

* Elements of design I notice in the work…

* Principles of design I notice in the work…

* Notes about how my eye travels through the work…

* Working thesis statement in response to prompt… Structure your notes into a paper that answers the following aspects of your chosen prompt:

* Thesis

* Form/Visual Analysis

* Historical Background, Meaning and Evaluation