Domestic Terrorism

Domestic Terrorism 

From scratch APA format 6th edition. Additional info attached below.
Your responses to each of the examination questions should be a minimum of one page (250
words) and a maximum of two pages in length, double-spaced, and written in 11-point Arial font
or 12-point Times New Roman.
Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer.
Include a title/cover page with your name and assignment.
Just a reminder: Include appropriate cited references and format them in the American
Psychological Association (APA) writing style (6th edition).

Submit your exam in one MS Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment drop
box for grading.
Your submission is due by the end of Module 8
What legal and ethical policies and procedures do you think law enforcement officials should
implement when responding to domestic terrorism. Consider whether they are consistent with a
democratic government’s legal and ethical responsibilities? Explain how these legal and ethical
measures are different?
Describe and explain which particular characteristics unite the transnational movement.
Explain the issues regarding law enforcement’s use of the FISA court is blurring the lines
between the intelligence gathering efforts of domestic and international terrorist groups.
Describe the various research finding regarding the differences between lone-wolf and
leaderless terrorists, and whether their behavior may be directly influenced by their mental
Explain how the Internet and social media play a significant role in recruiting and radicalizing
lone-wolf and leaderless terrorists.