Theoretical Lensing Paper

Theoretical Lensing Assignment 

In this paper, you will use a specific article as a theoretical lens through which to analyze a primary text of your choice.   Your lens article will be:

  • “The Uncanny” Sigmund Freud

NOTE: You will use 2 texts for this paper!  Your lens text AND your chosen primary text (the analysis text).

To develop your analysis, you should think through your INTERPRETATION of Freud’s argument and analyze your chosen primary text.  The lens should alter and complicate your reading of the analysis text, leading to further implications.  The lens is a conversation between three perspectives: the lens text, the text you analyze, and you!  The lens will thus provide the analytical framework for your argument, but your discussion can and should go beyond the limits of the lens.  If you find that a theory or idea doesn’t adequately explore your chosen text, you may choose to discuss the possible limitations of the lens and the way the lens and the primary text complicate each other.

Think of lensing as engaging with one text (in this case a theoretical text) in relation to another text.  Think of the 2 texts in conversation or relation.  You will use the lens theory text to create a “lens” (your interpretation of one aspect of the theory) and then use that lens to re-examine your chosen primary text from a different perspective.  As your brainstorm and explore the lens ask:  What fits and why? What doesn’t fit and why? How does the relationship complicate/challenge your understanding of each text?  Sophisticated lensing goes both ways – the lens text alters your perception of the primary text and the primary text alters your perception of the lens text.


Your paper will consist of three sections:

  1. Statement of argument (thesis/central argument)
    1. This must engage both the primary and theoretical texts.
  2. Interpretation of theoretical text
    1. What is the main argument from the lens text that you will focus on?
      1. Make sure that you understand the nuances of this argument.
    2. What is at stake for the author (their So What? question)?
    3. How do you interpret (shape) the lens?
  3. Execution of the lens
    1. Select several specific examples from your primary text that will best further your central claim and use the lens to analyze, moving to further implications. The implications are key – why does this matter?  Why is it important?  Don’t just say that something is significant, instead, say why.  In the paper, move beyond the simple fit/doesn’t fit technique that you used to initially explore the lens, and instead think about the way the two texts complicate each other.