Stave Churches 

Topic: Stave Churches

ART 322 New Research Paper Assignment For the Research Paper, please arrange a paper that addresses each of the sections below. When you write the paper, please use the headings I, II, III, IV, and V as seen here. • Please type everything in the paper double-spaced including the Works Cited page. (If you use the Chicago style, you may single space what you will call the Bibliography page.)

• Use the MLA or the Chicago style for documentation. Document all references (indirect and direct) and include a Works Cited page at the end of the paper. If you use MLA, that means in-text parentheses like this: (author, page) or (website). (If you use the Chicago style, title the Works Cited page Bibliography.) Failure to document references will result in a failing grade (see Rubric at the end of this handout). • Include illustrations. You have a choice. You may “drop in” your illustrations as you write OR you may attach them at the end of the paper. Each one should have a caption with artist, title, date, dimensions, and media. • Paginate the paper • Use a creative title for the paper • Introduction and Thesis Length: 1 page. In this section, write the introduction to the paper making certain that somewhere in the introduction, you present your thesis. Remember, a thesis (also known as the main argument) is easy to generate if you take some of the questions from your discovery process and answer them. • Annotated Bibliography. 2-3 pages. Minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources. An annotated bibliography is a list of peer-reviewed sources. What is different is that after you use the proper MLA or Chicago format for the publication, you provide a few sentences (no more than a short paragraph) summarizing the source. In other words, what does the author discuss and/or argue? Where do I find Peer-Reviewed Sources? Use the CSUDH library databases. There is a link on Blackboard about how to find peer-reviewed sources using CSUDH library databases. I am also more than happy to set up a Zoom conference with you during which time we can use the databases together. What is a Peer-Reviewed Source? A peer-reviewed source has been evaluated by scholars or professionals before published. Examples include articles in the CSUDH databases and many books. Websites are often NOT peer-reviewed with the exception of those of museums such as LACMA, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc. Essays you find on such websites are acceptable peer-reviewed sources. Forget Wikipedia—not peer-reviewed consistently! Questions about a source? Email me the link. • Five Pages. Length: 5 pages. In five carefully planned and edited pages, support your thesis. Include analysis of art examples. Include reference to the peer-reviewed sources from your Annotated Bibliography. Include illustrations. • Conclusion. Length: 1 page. Compose a conclusion that in addition to explaining the significance of your project, presents two areas you believe necessary to explore to further understanding. In other words, what else would you research if you continued working on the topic? Why? • Works Cited Page. Lengths will vary. Rubric Thesis 3: The thesis or argument is elaborated in detail and based upon the analysis of key questions posed by the writer. The writer is willing to take a clear position and support that position. 2: The thesis or argument is elaborated in some detail and based on the analysis of a question posed by the writer. The writer presents a tentative position and makes some attempt to support that position. 1: There is little sense of a thesis or argument and the analysis relies mostly upon summarizing the work of others. The writer is not willing to voice a position. 0: Thesis or argument is not present and the writer does not attempt to articulate a position. Annotated Bibliography 3: All outside sources are from peer-reviewed entities and annotated in proper MLA or Chicago Style format. Required number of entities included. 2: All outside sources are from peer-reviewed entities and annotated in mainly accurate terms in proper MLA or Chicago Style format. Required number of entities included. 1: Outside sources are not exclusively from peer-reviewed entities and annotations are limited. Required number of entities included. 0: Outside sources are not exclusively from peer-reviewed entities and annotations are not present. Required number of entities not included. Five Pages and Conclusion 3: Writing has an introduction with a clear statement of significance of the topic, well-detailed body paragraphs, examples, transitions, and a conclusion. 2: Writing has an introduction that indicates a topic but needs more development. Body paragraphs, examples, and transitions are present and an attempt at a conclusion is in evidence. 1: Writing lacks an organizational structure and transitions; key elements such as examples, the conclusion or introduction are missing or under-developed. 0: No organizing principles are apparent. Language 3: Employs standard written English without errors. 2: Employs standard written English with 1-2 surface errors. 1: Employs standard written English with patterns of error present. 0: Significant error patterns and/or non-standard written English Citation of Sources 2: All outside sources are from peer-reviewed entities and cited in proper MLA format and Works Cited page is included. 1: All outside sources are from peer-reviewed entities and cited in mainly accurate MLA format and Works Cited page is included. 0: Outside sources are not exclusively from peer-reviewed entities and MLA format is largely inaccurate. Works Cited page is not included. Papers that receive a 0 for Citation of Sources will receive failing grades no matter what.