Substance Abuse and Addiction Paper. Motivational Interviewing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Motivational Interviewing or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Write a paper on any area of addiction. In this paper, please address the following
1. The type of intervention (For example, Motivational Interviewing or Cognitive Behavioral
2. If relevant, discuss the population you will be focusing this paper on (e.g. adolescents,
older adults).
3. Discuss culturally responsive practice skills that apply.
4. Provide research that addresses this intervention. Please make sure you use at least 7
peer-reviewed journals and books. This research should address the knowledge of the
intervention and prevention models, as well as the evidence-based approach used for the
population you are focusing on.
5. Discuss the issue of resistance as an opportunity in working with addicted individuals.
6.Provide a conclusion that discusses age implications for practice, policy, and future