Reality and a Myth

Part I.
1 Briefly explain how race is both a reality and a myth. Why has the reality of race been reduced over the course of mankind’s existence, especially over the past 500 years?

2 What is “ethnic work”? Provide an example of how an Italian-American would engage in “ethnic work.”

3 Identify and describe the six major patterns of minority and dominant group relations.

Part II.

1 What is the function of “feminism?” Describe how it has evolved in the United States.

2 Explain why industrialization influences the life expectancy of people in a society.

3 Define the term “graying of America” and describe the consequences of this social transformation.

Part III
1 Describe the difference in cultural themes between marriage in traditional families and marriage in industrial societies.

2 What is the probability of divorce in American society and why is this so difficult to measure?

3 What are some common characteristics of a successful marriage?

Part IV.

Website Assignment Social Inequality:

Place your response in your D2L dropbox for Unit 6 using MS word

Below you will find links to several websites or links addressing social inequality in race/ethnicity, gender and age. Choose two websites /links of interest and explore them. Summarize briefly what you have learned from each selected website about social inequality. Provide at least two statistics you gathered that demonstrate race/ethnic, gender and or age inequality. This inequality can be specific to the United States or global social inequality. How would you evaluate the websites selected as learning tools about social inequality? Would you recommend their use to others? What did you like most about the websites as a source of information? (length: approx. 2 pages ds)


Gender Inequality:

Hint: womenwatch forum is a discussion group website.

Race Inequality:
