Analyzing Theories of Emotion

Assignment Instructions

Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment.

For this Assignment, you will write a 2-3 page expository paper analyzing theories of emotion and the role of the limbic system and frontal lobe in the processing of emotion.

Utilize the following scenario in the construction of your paper:

John is a 42-year-old construction worker who was leaving the construction site to take his lunch break. While walking from the site, he heard a loud crashing sound. John turned around to see a crane tip over and fall to the ground. Initially, John experienced feelings of terror at the sight of the crane falling and fear that someone would be hurt. However, as the crane landed, he was able to see that it fell on an unoccupied plot of land.

Include the following in your paper:

Examine the three theories of emotion in the context of the scenario. Analyze the different features of the three theories of emotion with respect to the cognitive and neuropsychological processes involved in John’s processing of the events. Differentiate the three theories of emotion and how processing of the events would be different under each theory.

State which theory of emotion you feel is the most accurate and why. Break down the neuropsychological processing of emotion with respect to the functioning of the limbic system (hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus), and the frontal lobe. Analyze how the different parts of the brain are involved in the processing of emotion as well as the flow of information within the limbic system and frontal lobe.

The Assignment should:

Utilize a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources outside your textbook and assigned readings to support your paper.

Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results). Use correct APA formatting per the current APA Publication Manual. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free.

Your paper should include:

Title Page

Main Body of the paper

Reference Page