International Monetary Economics [Exam Revision Paper]

There are 4 pages in the exam 

Part A: Multiple Choice. 15 marks. Each question is worth 3
1. Random Walk exchange rates imply
a. deviations from PPP can be permanent.
b. deviations from PPP may only be corrected by offsetting random
c. both (a) and (b).
2. Suppose S0 = 1.32, i = 0.062, i∗ = 0.073 then E0S1 equals
a. 1.4328
b. 1.3065
c. 1.6893
3. Suppose domestic consumption rises and there are restrictions on holding foreign assets then with a floating exchange rate, in the long run the
Fleming-Mundell model predicts
a. a rise in Y and a fall in X − M.
b. depreciation of the domestic currency, a rise in Y and a rise in X −M.
c. jumps in the domestic interest rate and a rise in X − M.
4. Purchasing power parity is more likely to hold when
a. exchange rates are a random walk.
b. countries are geographically close.
c. countries have different consumption patterns.

5. Suppose foreign consumption rises then with a fixed exchange rate the
supply-demand model of exchange rates predicts
a. a rise in domestic central bank reserves of foreign currency and rise in
domestic net exports.
b. a fall in domestic central bank reserves of foreign currency and a fall
in domestic net exports.
c. a fall in the domestic money supply.

Part B: Numerical Problems. 20 marks
(5) 1. Consider the following direct quotes: 95.83 yen per CAD, 1.04 CAD
per USD and 98.56 yen per USD. Calculate the cross rate between CAD and
USD using the yen as an intermediate currency. Is there an opportunity for
triangular arbitrage?
(5) 2. The Canadian dollar-Euro exchange rate (Canadian dollar price of
euros) is currently 1.26. In 4 months time the exchange rate will be either
1.28 or 1.24. A European call option on euros expiring in 4 months has strike
price K = 1.25 CAD per euro. The risk free rate in Canada is 2 percent per
annum and the European risk free rate is 1 percent per annum. Solve for the
option price in the one step binomial model.
3. Suppose the Canadian dollar-Euro spot rate is S0 = 1.38 CAD per
euro. The one year dollar-Euro forward rate is F0,1 = 1.39 CAD per euro.
The one year interest rate in the Canada is 2 percent; in Europe the one year
interest rate is 1.8 percent.
(5) a. Suppose an investor has 500,000 Canadian dollars to invest then
converts it to euros at the spot rate, invests the resulting capital at the
European interest rate for one year and converts the proceeds back to CAD
at the forward rate. Determine returns from this trade.
(5) b. Suppose the investor buys one year Canadian Treasury securities
with the 500,000 instead. Determine whether this strategy or the one in
(a) generates greater profit. Based on this calculation explain in a sentence
whether this forward rate is the equilibrium rate.

Part C: Theoretical Problems. 65 marks.
1. Assume that capital is perfectly mobile. The foreign and domestic
economies are initially at potential GDP. The domestic economy is small
and the foreign economy is large. Using the AD-AS model analyze the long
run impact on domestic X − M, I, C, Y and P of the following independent
(10) a. Suppose domestic consumption depends positively on real wealth
meaning that rises in real wealth increase consumption. Let investor fears
cause a domestic stock market crash. Assume the exchange rate is fixed.
(10) b. a fall in the foreign money supply M∗
. Assume the exchange rate
is floating.
2. Using diagrams analyze the impact on domestic Y and i of the following
independent shocks in the Fleming-Mundell model.
(5) a. Investors believe that in the foreign economy a left wing government
with unsound economic policies will replace the pro business government.
There is a fixed exchange rate and perfect capital mobility.
(5) b. Foreign preferences for domestic goods falls. There is a floating
exchange rate and imperfect capital mobility.
(5) c. For the shock in (b) state the long run effect on domestic investment
3. Compare the short and long run effects on the depreciation rate of the
domestic currency for the following independent shocks. Expectations are
(5) a. The foreign money growth rate rises.
(5) b. The price of oil experiences a transitory rise. Assume the domestic
economy is more dependent on oil than the foreign economy.
(10) c. For the shock in (a) compare short and long run depreciation of
the domestic currency if investors have Rational Expectations.

4. (10) The foreign and domestic economies are initially at potential
GDP. The domestic economy is small and the foreign economy is large. The
exchange rate is floating and capital is perfectly mobile. Assume a Keynesian
model so that adjustment to any shock is lagged. Using the AD-AS model
analyze the short run impact on domestic X − M, I, C, Y, P and E for the
following shock:
Environmental toxins discharged into water result in 15 percent
of domestic farmland being rendered useless for cultivation.

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