Psychology Essays. Psychology Papers. Marriage and Parenting in Adulthood

Marriage and Parenting in Adulthood

Factors that influence intimate relationships, marriage, and parenting are discussed throughout your textbook. These factors include, but are not limited to, financial stability, age, gender roles/stereotypes, and education obtained. In Paper Assignment #4, respond to the following questions:

  • What are some issues that young adults should be aware of and discuss prior to engaging in a cohabitating relationship? What are some social, emotional, and financial consequences of cohabitating together before marriage?
  • Why do people get married? Discuss research on martial satisfaction and the factors that contribute to satisfaction. Based on peer-reviewed research, what is the best age for individuals to get married? Explain your answer.
  • What are some factors that contribute to divorce? In what ways will divorce affect future relationships?
  • Discuss the impact of having children on a marriage. What factors influence decisions about childcare (i.e., choosing to have a parent stay at home or both work outside the home)? From a sociocultural perspective, compare and contrast how becoming a parent affects men and women.
INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Subject with the issue followed by the Who, What, When, Where, and Why on Subject + Thesis w/Main Points
BODY PARAGRAPH: Full discussion of 1st Main Point w/Specific Example at least 3 sentences long
BODY PARAGRAPH: Full discussion of 2nd Main Point w/Specific Example at least 3 sentences long
CONCLUSION: Summarize the key elements of the essay and add any other relevant information


  • Use these book below and additional 3 peer-reviewed outside sources as reference:  Developmental Psychology (120683690) 9th