Max’s Case Study

Instructions for case formulation: Use one of the summaries that can be found in the icon “Case
Studies” to consider developmental issues regarding current functioning in academics, behavior,
and social/peer relationships (Jennifer or Max). Consider current environment; placement history,
if any; trauma
history; and parenting style and practice, if applicable.
Developmental Formulation
You have been given an intake form with information about a child seeking treatment. The
questions below will guide you to consider important dimensions of the child’s case. This is an
opportunity to apply the different concepts you have learned throughout this course.

Your responses should demonstrate (1) that you are able to identify risk and protective factors in
children, (2) that you can develop hypotheses about how these factors impact child functioning,
and (3) that your hypotheses are evidence-informed and you are aware of important theories and
relevant research. The rubric that will be used to grade this assignment is attached to your
1. Prenatal/Biological Factors
a. Identify prenatal and physiological factors (e.g., brain development) which may have impacted
this child’s functioning. Include protective factors as well as factors that may increase the
likelihood of negative developmental outcomes.
b. Discuss potential implications of these prenatal factors for the child’s current and future
2. Cognitive & Language Development
a. Identify and discuss factors in this child’s early (postnatal) environment, which may contribute
to his/her cognitive and language development? What is his/her current functioning in these
areas and what might be expected in the future without intervention?

3. Temperament and Attachment
a. Generate hypotheses about this child’s temperament and attachment type? What is your best
guess regarding temperament and attachment style with primary caregiver. Support your
answers based on the specifics of the case.
b. How do these factors (temperament & attachment) likely relate to the child’s current
functioning and to the likelihood of future functioning?
4. Family and Ecological Factors & Socialization
Identify and describe the parenting style (Baumrind) most likely evident by this child’s primary
caregiver. Explain the reason for your choice.
Identify family socialization variables that may serve as risk or protective factors in this child’s
development. Consider relevant factors associated with multiple family systems (parent-child,
parent-parent, etc). How do they impact his/her current functioning?
Extra-familial Factors (Peers, School, Media) & Socialization
Identify and describe socialization variables outside of the family (school, media, and peers) that
may have served as risk or protective factors in this child’s development. What implications do these have on the child’s current and future functioning if no intervention is received?
Discuss the child’s social status and implications for current and future functioning.
The case formulation should be about 6 pages.