Cultural Food Day

Cultural Food Day

You will create a dish representative of your ancestral culture.  Having completed your 3 week nutrition project by now, I would prefer you make the recipe in as healthful a way possible.  Who knows you may like “shake and bake” chicken better than granny’s southern fried.  But the choice is up to you as to how to prepare it. You should attach the typed document (and upload a copy of it) with the following information: The point spread is listed next to the bullets below.

  • The name of the recipe (dish) 5 points
  • Where you got it and who made it (i.e., granny, dad, mom, you, an old family cookbook, the Google)
  • 4 bullet points of interesting information about the culture represented.  These must be referenced using APA format.  These should be interesting facts (more are welcome) that will help your fellow classmates be more culturally aware when they become RN’s.  These can be facts about nutrition but not general facts.  Facts like southerners eat fried food and fried food causes heart disease are not acceptable.  An acceptable fact might be, in Judaism many do not use or eat meat products with dairy.  Another custom is that in Judaism many do not use electricity or drive on the Sabbath, this too can affect nutrition).  I am sure you get the idea.  Do some digging and you will find something.
  • At least 2 articles cited using APA format for the facts.                                                                                                                                        10 points/per fact =40
  •                                                                                     5 points for APA citations/format
  • The recipe itself (3 c flour, 2T olive oil…) this includes how to make the dish not just a list of ingredients, for ex. when making bread, ingredients go in a certain order.                                                                                                            points
  • Nutrition breakdown: (i.e., Calories, fats {sat fat}, carbs, sugar, NaCl…)                                                                                                                  5 points

60 Points Total

Did you make the original recipe or a more healthful version?  What did you do to make it healthier or if you made the original, how would you make it healthier

  • Make sure your name is on the page.

Cultural Food Presentation:


Student Name and class day:              _____________________________________________


Recipe Name and culture:                  _____________________________________________


Is it the original or more healthful and what did you change?





4 Referenced cultural facts that will help us as nurses ______________________________________________________________________________











Recipe and Nutritional Breakdown:  (attach more paper if needed)
