Skills, Attributes and Behaviors of Entrepreneurs

A101 Assignment – Points to bear in mind – January 2020 

General: – Need Title page including Title, Student name and ID, Module ref and date, plus contents page detailing shortened section title.  NB all work to be referenced Harvard Ref Style CU Guide. In body of report each section with its appropriate section title and break down into paragraphs say no more than 8- or 9-lines max.  Ensure it is easy to read both for you, the marker and the moderator.  Remember you MUST include a title page, list of contents and the correct sub heading for each marked section.  Failure to do this will result in lost marks for presentation and also across the assignment generally!

Ensure you write in third person – no use of I, you, we etc.  Ensure structure is sound, spelling and grammar are correct and the report logically ‘flows’ from start to finish and is easy to understand.  At this level of academic work – you need to show evidence that you have done research and demonstrate understanding by the application of that research.

Remember a template is provided – PLEASE USE IT ! NB:  remember for presentation, grammar and spelling – 5 marks and for research / resources – 10 marks

Remember the following are suggestions – use the points as guidance if and where appropriate.

Word Count – The word count is 2000 words. There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations and citations but excludes the references list.


1 Introduction – make sure you include a brief overview and an indication of what the report covers, don’t just list sub headings.   Do NOT just repeat the list of contents!  Brief overview and introduction to overall topic and try and include an original fact about entrepreneurship in general and try and link it to a similar closing fact in your conclusion. remember this section is worth 5 marks


2 Give examples of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship – comprehensive definitions required and include detailed, valid and appropriate examples both of organisations to illustrate and further detail some of their activities that typify and underpin the descriptions. Don’t just state them – explain them!  Use academic sources after doing research.  Make sure your references are concise academic definitions.  Also make sure your examples are authentic and appropriate. Also demonstrate how and why they meet your definitions and descriptions.  References are a must.  This section is worth 25 marks.


3 Explain the skills, attributes and behaviours of entrepreneurs– define all three with examples, explain why they are important and justify why all three are needed – include an example scenario if possible with a combining of all three? You also need to illustrate examples of application of some of the skills particularly within an entrepreneurial context.  Remember to explain what they mean and include some real-life examples that you have researched.  Ask yourself the question what skills do you think you need particularly for you to initiate a start-up business as an entrepreneur and try to identify the really key ones?  Also remember the references.    Remember this section is worth 25 marks.


4 What tools and stages are necessary to evaluate a new business idea – need to outline the key considerations e.g. could use finance, competition for chosen product or service, USP also need to differentiate. Need to consider profitability potential – will it make money?  Appropriate use of models such as SWOT. PESTEL and evidence of use of techniques to determine marketing mix and research.  Also explain both the details and the values of models and tools used.  Remember 25 marks for this section.


5 Summary and recommendations – you need to make sure you conclude with constructive statements and some valid recommendations for achievement of any growth targets……… etc.  Try and include a link back to your original remarks in the introduction.  Please don’t just repeat contents of the report that you have already stated previously and detailed.  Note 5 marks for this section.  Remember the total word count is 2000 words – you need to extrapolate against the section scores to determine a maximum number of words per section as a guide to the structure and amount of content.