Business Operations and Improvement in Oman Report

Business Operations and Improvement in Oman Report

Order Instructions 

You are currently the operations manager of the company you have been working a couple
of years now. You have been actively involved development of the operations of the company
due to your dedication and expertise.
Being the operations manager, you have envisioned to lead the make the company to be more
competitive in the industry. To materialize this goal, you have examined the existing
operations of the company to identify areas to improve.
You have to select any company operating in Oman and evaluate the current operations of
the company. You have to prepare an “Operations’ Evaluation Report (OER)” equivalent to
6,000 words as basis for management decisions.
The OER should include the contents as mentioned below.
1. Company background and nature and importance of operation. (20 marks)
2. Illustrate the General Model of Operation (Input-Process-Output) as applied by the
chosen company in their specific operation. )30 marks)
3. Recognise and critically analyse the historical development of operations
management’s application to the existing operation of the company.
4. Prepare and analyse the process map (process flow chart) of the operation
conducted by the company.
5. Critical evaluate the identified risks of the company in its operation and how
address or mitigate the risk.
6. Proper referencing and in-text citation of the sources of information
To guide you in drafting the report, follow the format below.
I. Introduction (20 marks)
• Provide a substantial description of the company and its operation
(industry where it belongs, products and/or services, geographical and
area of operation, vision and mission statement, etc.)
• Provide a brief description of the nature and importance of operations
• Statement of objectives of the Operations’ Report
II. Content and Analysis (60 marks)
A. Application of the General Model of Operation (30 marks)
• Identify one area of operation of the company and provide a brief
description of the identified operation and the corresponding result of
such operation which maybe a product or service. (5 marks)
• Using the General Model of Operation (I-P-O), identify the inputs used in
the operation, determine the process involved or the activities undertaken
on these inputs or resources as well as the specific output of the entire
process. Classify the inputs of resources used whether “Transforming
Inputs” (inputs that are used to process or transform other resources but
not become part of the output) or “Transformed Inputs” (inputs that
undergo the transformation process and will become part of the output).
(20 marks)
• Classify the inputs used, identify the processes involved, and determine the
output using the model as shown below.

• Evaluate the model of operation of the company as shown above. (5
B. Process Map (Process Flow Chart). (10 marks)
• Draw and evaluate the process flow chart and the process map of the
company in the production and delivery of quality products and services as
specified in the model of operation above.
C. Operations Development (10 marks)
• Evaluate and discuss the application and effects of the development of
operations management like the use of machine, internet, computer and
other related innovations in the operation of the company based on the
operation and the processes conducted by the company
D. Risk Management. (10 marks)
• Identify and evaluate the risks that maybe encountered by the company in
carrying out its operations to provide quality goods and services to
III. Conclusion and Recommendation (15 marks)
• Highlight the main points presented and discussed in the previous sections
(Part I & II.) (10 marks)
• Specific and relevant actions and recommendations. (5 marks)
IV. Structure and Format (5 marks)
• Use a minimum of 10 recent and current reference materials preferably
2010 edition and above. Use of proper referencing and in-text citations
• Well prepared layout
• Proper use of language