Vocational Assessment Critique: Wonderlic Personnel Test

Topic: Vocational Assessment Critique: Wonderlic Personnel Test

Paper details:


This is merely an outline, intended to serve as a model for the test critique. The categories presented here are ones that you should respond to in the paper. Do not complete the test critique as an outline. Please include references. References have been uploaded, including the test manual.  Please use the current edition of the APA publication manual.


Test Review Outline (The paper must discuss all areas)


Title: The full name of the test as it appears in the manual and its common name (often initials or acronym) are centered at the top of the page.


  1. Purpose: Why is this instrument administered? What are the specific traits, aptitudes, abilities, skills, etc., that the test is designed to measure? Whenever possible, quote directly from the test manuals and catalogs.


  1. Subtests: List and briefly describe the name of separate subtests, if any, are listed.


III. Test Characteristics:


  1. Format: Description of the test booklet/software and/or answer sheet, the type of responses required by the client, whether the test is paper-and-pencil, apparatus, or computerized. List the number of items on the test.


  1. Administration: Describe administration protocols. Discuss whether the test was designed for an individual, group, or self-administered. List the necessary administration time, whether the test is timed or un-timed, the number of items, etc.


  1. Scoring: Information on whether the following types of scoring are available for each test: mail-in computer scoring, local computer scoring software, on-line administration and/or scoring services, hand scoring, scoring stencils, overlays and special forms.


  1. Norms: Included a brief description of the norm population(s), the year the standardization study took place, and the methods used in gathering the normative data. Cite the studies listed. You can often find this information in the Mental Measurements Yearbook.


  1. Reliability and Validity: List and describe the types of data collected to yield psychometric information. List correlational and validity studies and what the standard error of measurement is. Cite Studies.


  1. Selection Criteria:


  1. Populations Specified in Manual: This lists the populations (demographics) for which the test is appropriate according to the test manual or the publisher’s catalog. Because most test manuals specify a specific population, this category tends to reflect the normative data for the test.


  1. Skills Needed: Include information about examinee skills that are needed to take the test without modification. Emphasis is most likely on reading level and visual acuity.


  1. Test Publisher: List the name of the current publisher and the publication date of the most recent version of the test. In some cases, there may be several dates because the test and the manual (or different versions of the test) may have been updated in different years.


  1. Your opinion of the test. Indicate whether you think the instrument would be useful with the the population you serve and why or why not. Also include information about psychometric properties, administration time, scoring procedures, etc…that are pertinent to your evaluative opinion. Important: Disclose that the Wonderlick Personnel Test is used by the California Department of Rehabilitation to assess some of the consumers which they serve.