Professional Philosophy of Education

Topic: Professional Philosophy of Education
Paper details:

Complete your professional philosophy of education as it relates to your major (use all previous work in the course and apply it to the area of education you are majoring in). Write an 8-page paper in APA formatting that supports your professional philosophy of education and continuing professional development. Use five outside academic sources, at least one website, and the textbook (a minimum of seven resources), all in APA formatting. In addition you will be assessed on how well you incorporated the feedback provided by your instructor and your peers to your Rough Draft in the final paper. To improve your APA skills in style, formatting, citing, and referencing please visit the APA Lecture in the Learning Resources tab in the left side of the course shell. To check and improve your college level writing please use the Ashford Writing Center resources at:
• and use Grammarly to edit your writing before uploading to Waypoint.

Focus of the professional philosophy of education
There are four parts to the final paper. Please address each part and use examples to demonstrate each one.

Part 1: What is your future career?
Identify what position in education you would like to have and at what type of organization you will work. Is it private, public, proprietary, online, non-profit, children, adults, families, etc.? (Refer to Week 1 journal).

Part 2: Professional Philosophy
Describe your professional philosophy on teaching and learning. Use the questions below to hone your theoretical perspective (refer to your Week 3 Draft and Feedback in Week Four, DB One):
•What is the purpose of education? (Refer to the Week 2 journal)
•How do students learn and how will you assist their learning in your future career?
•What professional development will you need – certificates, on-going continuing education credits, graduate degree(s), etc.?

Part 3: Professional Engagement
Give examples of some factors that will affect your career in communicating and working with various stakeholders, such as with children, parents, adults, clients, professionals, colleagues, professional organizations, and institutions/systems
•Explain how your communication skills could affect these stakeholders
•Address how you plan to ensure feedback,
•Communicate with your stakeholders,
•Engage with colleagues in your profession,
•Utilize your personal management plan for working with others.

(Refer to your DB post this week and to the assignment in Week 4).

Part 4: Continuous Improvement Efforts
Prepare a continuous professional improvement plan that describes where you see yourself professionally in five years;
•Describe the skills or training that will be needed to meet the goals you want to accomplish for yourself
•Explain how you expect to continue your professional development and simultaneously adhere to the standards (academic, conduct, or national) in your profession (Refer to the Week 2 journal and Week 3 rough draft).

Creating the Professional Philosophy of Education

The Final Paper:
•Must be 8 double-spaced pages (about 2400 words, excluding title page and reference page) in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and the 6th Edition of the APA Manual.
•Must include a title page with the following:
◦Title of paper
◦Student’s name
◦Course name and number
◦Instructor’s name
◦Date submitted
•Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
•Must utilize a minimum of five scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford Library, one website, and the course text for a minimum of seven resources. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
•Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
•Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
•Must incorporate instructor and student feedback from the rough draft into the final paper (see Week 3 Rough Draft and Week 4 DB forum).