Sex and gender

Topic: sex and gender
Paper details:

PLEASE READ… I ATTACHED MY PAPER THAT NEEDS TO HAVE CITED REFERENCES FROM THE ATTACHED CHAPTER 12 TOO…Go to and watch this brief video on gender stereotyping and inequality.
Respond to each question with at least one 6-9 sentence paragraph:
1 What common themes are present in this video?
2 According to the video, what roles are men expected to fulfill? What roles are women expected to fulfill?
3 How do these images can affect attitudes and expectations for gender roles?
4 What does it mean to “act like a man”? What words or expectations come to mind?
5 What does it mean to be “ladylike”? What words or expectations do you think of?
6 Are there social consequences when someone does not live up to or display behavior that argues with these stereotypes?
Discussion post instructions:
– Complete your posts and response to at least two classmates. Complete original post and peer responses within the discussion time frame and on different days in the week. This allows you and your peers to have a continuation of discussion.
– Write posts that are of sufficient length (see above for length requirements), relevant and reflect your deep understanding. Please include a question to encourage other students for further discussion. Refer to all resources inside and outside the course using accurate APA citation.