Qualitative and quantitative texts analysis 

Topic: qualitative and quantitative texts analysis 

Paper details:


Assessment 3: 1200 Words Report

This is a critical written account of a qualitative and quantitative research article. Copies of these articles are on the Evolve page for this module. The report is split into 600 words each and amounts to 40% of the overall mark. It should be submitted as one word document with separate headings for each section as indicated below. Please see below content of the report.

Quantitative Report

This part of the assessment is a 600 words report of the quantitative article ‘Motivation for Research and job Satisfaction of the University Staff: Are They Interconnected?’. Below is an indicative approach to the report:

 Address the research questions/hypothesis

 Research design

 Types of data used (e.g. primary and secondary data)

 Method of data collection and sampling techniques adopted (e.g. purposive, simple

random sampling etc)

 Critically evaluate how the quantitative data was analysed

 Ethical consideration (whether or not ethical requirements have been complied with in

the study)

 Validity of the data for replication of the study(e.g. does the data supports or refutes

existing theories/ literature contained in the study)

 Limitation of the study

Qualitative Report

This part of the assessment is a 600 words report of the qualitative article on ‘Competition and its influence on consumer decision making in social marketing’. A similar structure as stated in the Quantitative article could be adopted however, please note that there is aclear distinction between how the quantitative analysis and results are reported when compared to the qualitative analysis.

Subject: Sociology

Topic: Socialization

Paper details:


Write a brief essay 2-3 page essay on two of the following questions. You can choose any TWO of the following questions to discuss in your essay. Your total assignment should be 4-6 pages long, plus an additional bibliography page. Please be very careful to cite your resources, including the textbook (You May Ask Yourself, 5th Edition, by Dalton Conley) and/or films carefully and correctly. No citing wikipedia. Outside sources can be used but they must be appropriately rigorous.


  1. Explore the relationship between the media and individual behavior. Using your readings, class lecture material, and personal experiences consider how the media shapes behavior among adults and children. Also consider how media may be created in response to the social expectations or society.


  1. List and give an example of each of the four main agents of socialization. (Family, Peers, Education and Media) How have those agents of socialization shaped your own life experiences? How might they be related to the roles and status you occupy in your own life?


  1. Explore the main ideas presented in the first half of Pascoe’s book. (Dude You’re A Fag, by C.J. Pascoe). Choose one of the major theoretical traditions presented in the readings on socialization and explain its main ideas. How might this theoretical tradition explain observations and ideas Pascoe has presented?


General Instructions for Written Assignments


Your written assignment is intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. The intent of the written assignment is to provide an opportunity to more fully describe, explain, and analyze the books and other sources.


*Must include an additional bibliography page*

4 pages plus the bibliography page. Total of 5 pages