Recycling and subsequent refining of ferrous based alloys

You are required to select an advanced technology from the list below and    produce an investigative report that addresses the issues specified.

Recycling and subsequent refining of ferrous based alloys

The assignment should address the following;

  1. Fundamental scientific principles of the technology (30%)
  2. Detailed analysis of the application(s) including manufacturing, environmental, ethical and health and safety 
implications. (25%)
  3. A critical evaluation of the potential strategic impact of the technology on the appropriate industrial / market sector. 

-reduction of time

-reduction of wastes

-savings in cash

-process improvements


  • Marks awarded for the structure, presentation and referencing. (10%)
  • 10 minute presentation to the peer-group and lecturing staff followed by 5 minutes question and answer session. (10%)

Upper word limit 3,500