Hello, I’m an MBA student who needs assistance with answering the following questions from a corporate finance course: Chapter 15 15-3.

Hello, I’m an MBA student who needs assistance with answering the following questions from a corporate finance course:Chapter 1515-3. Firms with relatively high nonfinancial fixed costs are said to have a high degree of what?15-4 “One type of leverage affects both EBIT and EPS. The other type affects only EPS.” Explain this statement.15-6. Why do public utility companies usually have capital structures that are different from those of retail firms?15-7. Why is EBIT generally considered to be independent of financial leverage? Why might EBIT actually be influenced by financial leverage at high debt levels?Chapter 19:19-2. Distinguish between operating leases and financial leases. Would you be ore likely to find an operating lease employed for a fleet of trucks or for a manufacturing plant?19-3 Would you be more likely to find that lessees are in high or low income tax brackets as compared with lessors?19-5. One alleged advantage of leasing voiced in the past is that it kept liabilities off the balance sheet thus making it possible for a firm to obtain more leverage than it otherwise could have. This raised the question of whether or not both the lease obligation and the asset involved should be capitalized and shown on the balance sheet. Discuss the pros and cons of capitalizing leases and related assets.19-7. Suppose Congress enacted new tax law changes that would (1) permit equipment to be depreciated over a shorter period, (2) lower corporate tax rates, and (3) reinstate the investment tax credit. Discuss how each of these potential changes would affect the relative volume of leasing versus conventional debt in the U.S. economy.All questions are from chapters 15 & 19 of the following text: “Intermediate Financial Management” (Brigham & Daves (2010) 10 edition)The deadline can be extended to 5pm est. Thank you very much. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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