Library Mission Statement:

Library Mission Statement: To provide information services that support the learning of all members of the school community, to promote an enjoyment of literature, and to provide a welcoming environment for the achievement of these goals.

Chromebook Inventory Management: I verified the discrepancies for 516 (this figure came from Tom Simon, Support Services Tech) devices between what was on hand versus what Destiny showed. The discrepancies that were found, I reported to Julia Troike, NPMS Librarian.

I added the NPMS property label to 516 Chromebooks and chargers and installed zoom on the Chromebooks for students. If the zoom wasn’t installed, I manually added it.

Chromebook Distribution to Students: I provided the Chromebooks for students. I had the student log into the device while on the FNSBSD network to see if their password worked.  If the student’s password didn’t work, I helped the student change their password in PowerSchool. Also, I had students reset their password if their student number had a g at the end (example:s123456g) because the password is easily accessible to other students.

I verified that the parent had signed the device checkout AUP. If the parent didn’t accept
the AUP email, then I had the parent fill out the paper form.

Processing New Books Titles for Students: I added 59 new library titles that range in genres spanning mystery, adventure, manga, comics, graphic, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and historical fiction and 112 new copies. To place new titles in the library collection required me to search the Destiny Online catalog for a bibliographic record that matched each new title, add two NPMS property labels, add a unique call number, add the appropriate genre label, barcode label, location stickers (Alaska, Biography, Graphic, Comic, Manga) apply plastic covers or laminate to protect books, and perform data entry in Destiny which involves adding the barcode number, unique call number, price of a book, circulation type, copy number, sublocation, and special notes if needed.

Processing Interlibrary Loan Requests: I reviewed patron library request transactions on a daily basis in Destiny as well as borrowed and lent materials to patrons. I notified parents when their child’s interlibrary loan was available for pickup and told the parent to call the front office to pick up the book. If students don’t pick up their book, I contact the parent again and ask does the student still want the book and that we will hold the book if the student wants it.

Student Support: Julia Troike, NPMS Librarian, and I have been hosting a Lunch Bunch with students via zoom since August 2020 Monday-Friday from 12:35-1:05. During the Lunch Bunch, we have build relationships with students by playing icebreaker games such as “Never Have I Ever Gone, guess my favorite color, food, vacation hot spot, and”Who Am I”. The students always support the Lunch Bunch and everyone has a great time talking, laughing, playing games, and getting to know each other.

Library Video: I created a video promoting the North Pole Middle School library. The purpose of my video was to keep our users and potential users informed about our library resources and services that match their needs and interests. I emphasized during the video that our library has great books and ebooks available for checkout, library contests, Makerspace activities, online library databases, fun games, and exciting library programs.

Library Inventory: I’ve inventoried the following collections: Graphic, Comic, Manga, and Picture Books. I’m currently inventorying the Alaska collection and when completed, I will inventory the fiction, non-fiction, and biography collection. The purpose of the library inventory is to reflect the accurate holdings of our library, identify losses through theft, reshelve items that have been reshelved, and repair books.

Weekly meetings with Julia Troike, Librarian: Julie Troiike and I meet every Wednesday to discuss
my accomplishments, challenges or problems, professional development, and brainstorm library activities and programs for students.