Five elements of fiction in Heart of a Dog 

Five elements of fiction in Heart of a Dog 


Write a seven-paragraph essay in which you analyze five elements of literature found throughout Heart of a Dog by Michael Bulgakov, while at the same time addressing the following question: how does Mikhael Bulgakov combine the chosen elements of fiction and to what effect? In other words, what kind of novel – with what salient qualities– does Bulgakov end up writing? The answer to this last question will constitute your thesis.

Essay Map

1st paragraph: Hook. Intro to Bulgakov and the novel. Thesis. Roadmap stating what elements of fiction your essay will analyze and in what order.

2nd paragraph: Element of fiction one. Description. Possible quote, summary, or paraphrase. Analyses.

3rd paragraph: Element of fiction two. Description. Possible quote, summary, or paraphrase. Analyses.

4th paragraph: Element of fiction three. Description. Possible quote, summary, or paraphrase. Analyses.

5th paragraph: Element of fiction four. Description. Possible quote, summary, or paraphrase. Analyses.

6th paragraph: Element of fiction five. Description. Possible quote, summary, or paraphrase. Analyses.

7th paragraph: Conclusion. Summary of your main ideas (not the novel). Relate it back to your thesis. Note: the most important aspect of this essay is grammar. Check your grammar and spelling three or four times.

Faulty grammar will not allow you to earn higher than a C, no matter how strong the structure may be. Start with capitalization, then check for verb tense, and subject verb agreement.

Don’t forget about punctuation and spelling either. A paragraph is a block of five to seven complete sentences. Sentences may be complex or simple.

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