How stress and violence can impact families

In this module we are learning about how stress and violence can impact families. I want you to take a moment to think about all that you have to be thankful for. Often we take for granted the resources that we have at our fingertips. Take a moment to think of the families that have been ripped apart by war, like those in the middle East or Africa or violent crime and corruption in Central America. These families are fleeing their homes that have been reduced to rubble with little to nothing. No promise of food or a warm, safe place to sleep at night, just hope that someone will help them find a safe place for their children to live.

Take a moment to put yourself in their shoes. What if your family was in this position? How would you feel? What would you do? I can only imagine the extreme amount of stress and hopelessness that these parents feel.

These crises have been turned in to political fodder as of late. Yes, we need to be vigilant about protecting ourselves, but we also need to think about our fellow mankind that just want the same things for their children that we do. We are all human, regardless of where we are born or where we live.

The goal of this weeks DB is not to get in to a political debate, but rather to take the perspective of some of these families. What do they go through, and what do they have to do to escape? Lastly, I hope to encourage empathy. Remember, one of the overarching goals of this course is to build kind, caring communities. So, how would you feel if you were a refugee fleeing a war torn country, and what would you do?

For this module’s Discussion Board post I’d like you to look at the following websites. Read these pages:

When you are done reading these websites you have a choice about what to post on. Pick one of these below.

1. Search for the story about an immigrant family from a war torn country. This does not have to be a peer reviewed article, but you do need to provide a proper APA citation and reference. The family doesn’t have to be from Syria. Read about the family or watch a video. Describe what you have learned in your post and what you feel could have been done to better help this family escape violence (include links or citations to your sources). Be sure to refer back to the course material for this week linking this topic with what you have learned from the readings (including a reference and citation) as well as a small personal reflection. Stress has a horrible impact on families and developing children, so linking the material should be easy.


2. Do an internet search for the criteria that families must meet seeking asylum/refugee status in a country other than their own. I’m hoping there is a wide representation of the globe here, so move out of your comfort zone and try not to pick the USA. Your source does not have to be peer reviewed, but I would highly suggest you search for government websites, not blogs. Find out what the immigration requirements are for these families in the country that you are researching and report back on them. Describe the process and resources for these families and the requirements they have to meet in order to immigrate to that country (include citations and references for your sources). Be sure to refer back to the course material for this week linking this topic with what you have learned from the readings (including a reference and citation) as well as a small personal reflection.

I want to reiterate that this is not to be a political exercise or argument. I simply want to provide you with an opportunity to take the perspective of others and become informed on the often extreme measures that one has to take to escape a place where their lives are being torn apart.