Trauma Center Research Paper Objectives 

Trauma Center Research Paper Objectives 


  1. Describe Triage Protocol: how are patient’s triaged; what are the numbers or colors used for triage during disaster


  1. Identify 5 safety guidelines/practices specific to the Trauma Center. Step beyond standard precautions! What measures/guidelines are observed to protect staff, nurses, doctors, other patients? REFERENCE A TRAUMA CENTER SAFETY POLICY IN YOUR PAPER.

– For this part I attached copy of the policies and if that not help let me know.


  1. Define what “The Critical Hour” means for Trauma Victims. Describe 60 minutes of patient care for a selected patient in the Trauma area in which you are assigned. Choose a patient, (critical, if available) and document 60 minutes of care for that patient. Include Chief Complaint, history of present illness, nursing interventions provided upon patient arrival to ER room (example: O2, EKG, bp, etc) IV’s (site, type (ie 20 g), Medications including fluids (crystalloids & colloids) administered, Oxygen, diagnostics completed (example: labor, testing), differential medical diagnosis considered upon patient arrival, final medical diagnosis, disposition of patient (example: admit, discharged, etc). Provide a care plan inclusive of 1 nursing diagnosis, 2 interventions, 1 outcome and evaluation of your interventions and outcome.

– Ms.DG, female 34 y/o, arrive at 11:00AM via EMC structer, with onset of headache, nausea, and fever (100.0 F). No reported pain or head injury. Patient was upset and crying about what happen to her.

Based on the symptoms, I collected Ms.DG, medical history to design an appropriate treatment plan. The patient had a history of seizure and weakness in the right side r/t bith, and was already undergoing treatment to manage the condition with Dilantin 50 mg daily. I checked for vital signs and recorded a temperature of 98.6 F, a heart rate of 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate 20 breaths per minute, Oxygen saturated 99% in room air, and the blood pressure 136/78.

Assessment performed that indicated that Ms.DG was alert and aware of his environment including person, time, place, and situation. She had a regular and clear heart sound where the S1 and S2 patterns were present. Further analyses showed lung sound crackles with tachypnea in the lower lobes. Mr. WT had no history of smoking, family history of seizure, which we considered as a risk factor in the occurrence of such issues. The patient’s conscious state and the ability to talk was of great assistance since we gathered vital information necessary to commence the treatment process. Based on initial assessment, I diagnosed Ms.DG to be experiencing seizure. Therefore, when she arrived at the ED we inserted IV cannula 20 Gauge one in the right in the cephalic vein. We performed a complete blood count (CBC) with differential, platelet, ISTAT troponin, prothrombin time, INR, PTT, chest x-ray, and electrocardiography (ECG). The doctor came at 1125 AM. She prescribed diazepam 1 mg orally, and 0.9 sodium chloride IV bolus.

The chest x-ray result came at 1150 am and they indicated heart size normal and lung clear and no abnormal issues indicted. The doctor returned at 1400 pm and discharge and follow up with primary physican.

My nursing diagnosis is risk for trauma or suffocation related to loss of large or small muscle coordination. The goal is the  patient will maintain treatment regimen to control or eliminate seizure activity. The intervention were to maintain safety during any seizure activity by turn patient to side, nothing in mouth, and do not restrain.

 also, do not leave the patient during and after a seizure. To promote patient safety. My evaluation of the experience is that the goal partially met since the patient stabilized, but patient still feel weak and upset by 1400 on 09-22-20.



  1. During your clinical experience, describe an example of autonomy of the Trauma Nurse. Provide details of any ethical and legal dilemmas the Trauma Nurse was confronted with during your clinical experience. Include what the outcome was and if you concur with how it was handled by the nurse. If you did not identify an ethical and legal dilemma that occurred; identify an ethical and legal dilemma that could have occurred in the given situation and how it could be resolved.


  • Legal and ethical dilemma is found with different religious, and when the patient situation required decision- making immediately to save the patient life. For example: if the patient come to ED with excessive bleeding and unresponsive, and needs blood transfusion but the patient is unresponsive. Also, the family is refused to make-decision about the blood transfusion to the patient. because as a nurse and doctor you want to save the patient life.


  1. Reflect on your Trauma unit experience. Describe and/or identify an issue new to you and what was gained from your experience in the Trauma Center. This is time for personal reflection of how you felt, what you experienced, etc. Examples could be: what was learned; what would you do different/same as a nurse in this role; what ethical issues did you see; what type of doctor/nurse interactions were observed; was anything observed questionable from an ethics, harassment, bullying, etc, standpoint. This goes well beyond the “I liked what I did. It was fast paced and I learned a lot” response!
  • I learnt about the importance of teamwork and the autonomy of the nurse in providing quality care. I strive to learn more about chief complaints so that I will be able to reduce the patients’ wait times that are among the primary sources of ethical dilemmas for nurses.



  1. APA format, typed, double spaced, title page, sentence structure and spelling and grammar accurate. References are required, including at least 2 peer reviewed nursing journal articles. USE YOUR APA REFERENCE BOOK!!!!! Review the Professional Writing Policy in your student handbook


  1. Journal Articles used as a reference are provided, and/or links are valid and journal article easily accessed.


  1. LENGTH: Minimum 8 pages not including cover and reference pages





Grading Criteria – Trauma Center Experience
Be sure to read the paper objectives prior to the experience and paper write up!!

Please attach a copy of the grading criteria with your paper. THANK YOU!!!

Content Possible


——————-Comments————– Points


Triage Protocol (how are patient’s triaged; what are the colors used for triage during disaster) 10  


5 safety guidelines/practices 10  


The Critical Hour
Discussion of Focus Client

1 nursing diagnosis, interventions, outcomes and evaluation




Discussion of autonomy and ethical and legal dilemmas 12  


Reflection on the Overall Experience (examples: what was learned; what would you do different/same as a nurse in this role; what ethical issues did you see; what type of doctor/nurse interactions were observed; was anything observed questionable from an ethics, harassment, bullying, etc, standpoint; etc) 10  


APA Format with reference page.
Mechanics (Grammar, Sentence Construction, spelling, etc.)

Minimum 8 pages not including cover and reference pages

8 Multiple grammer/spelling errors.



References provided and integrated including minimum 2 peer reviewed nursing journal articles to support paper (2 pts each). Journal Articles provided &/or links are valid and access journal article (1 pt). 5    
Total 100    



Graded By _______________________________________________