Organizational Change in a Real Organization


For this assignment, complete the following steps:
1. Identify, locate, and synthesize reputable literature sources that describe an implemented, emergent, or managed change within a real world organization. This is an organization that currently exists in the literature (For example: Kodak). It should not be your own organization.
2. Use this synthesized literature to create a study of the organizational change including the elements:
1. Organizational background
2. Mission
3. Purpose
4. Operating environment
5. Identified problem/issue driving the need/opportunity for change
6. The change process
7. Outcome
3. Then analyze the study and identify and discuss the following:
1. What were the factors driving the change
2. What was the change that was needed and how effective or ineffective was the change
3. Obstacles that were present
4. Ways in which the approach could have been better managed
5. Based on your knowledge give examples as to how the change could be better handled? Include an alternative managed and/or emergent change approach including a rationale for your choice
Your paper should be written in APA style and format and appropriately cite sources. Paper should be between 6-10 pages (not including references or title page) and should be supported with a minimum of 6 peer reviewed articles.