Reflection of Experience

Assignment Requirements

  • Identify an organization and person with whom you would like to speak regarding a career of personal interest. Family members or faculty (unless you intend to become a college professor) should not be interviewed for this assignment.  See Amy for questions about this requirement.
  • Conduct an informational interview, preferably at the interviewee’s place of employment.
  • Complete all components of the assignment noted in items 1 through 3 in the header of this document.
  • Interviewee-critiqued Resume 
  • Information Interview Reflection and Questions This is a thoughtful, double-spaced, grammatically and mechanically correct reflection on the interview experience and any revelations you have as a result of your research. (Please note that typing the interviewee’s responses to your questions is not acceptable. You need to reflect on the experience, not reiterate what your interviewee stated.)
  • Information Interview Thank-you